2023 Directed Energy Systems Symposium
November 13-17, 2023
Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel
Monterey, CA
The DE Systems Symposium focuses on systems aspects of Directed Energy in a limited-attendance environment. Some portions of the Systems Symposium are held at a CUI/Limited Distribution level while others are conducted at the Secret level.
Attendance for this event is limited to U.S. citizens from government, industry and academia with appropriate security clearances and need-to-know, as well as United Kingdom citizens from government who have the proper clearances, need-to-know, and have satisfied all facility access requirements.
- Tuesday AM plenary session
- System-oriented breakout technical sessions (CUI & Classified)
- HEL Programs and Systems
- HPM Programs and Systems
- HEL Lethality/Vulnerability and Effects
- HPM Effects
- DE System Modeling and Wargaming
- CDEW Technologies
- Pulsed Laser Systems and Effects
- DE Bio-effects
- Power Distribution and Energy Storage
- DE Manufacturing / Industrial Base
- DE System Readiness and Sustainment
- Laser Technology for Space Applications
- DE for Strategic Platforms
- Open Architectures
- DE Non-Lethal Weapons
- Exhibits and an Exhibitor Reception